Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gun Control

 Nowadays  we hear a lot about people getting killed or little kids having guns and taking at school. Some people say there needs to be stricter rules on Guns or any other type of weapon. A guy made a good argument by saying, " We have to take a driving test to get a license so why shouldn’t we have background checks for guns?" Before handing out any type of weapon first they should do a clean background check just to make sure the person isn't psycho. Some people argue that we need guns because they will help them protect their family and their freedom rights. There is a article on Gun control on USNEWS "The Second Amendment to the Constitution, which concerns the right to bear arms, is always a hot-button issue, especially during election season. Gun rights and gun control groups alike have been lobbying Congress for decades to craft legislation in their respective favors." I agree with this person because this is always a big issue on the election day and never on a normal day., and why is that? The gun issue has quadrupled in the past few years and we can see on the news or hear that kids are dying or innocent people are being killed for unnecessary reason."In the 2008 Supreme Court case District of Columbia v. Heller the court ruled that the Constitution protects an individual’s right to own a gun for personal use. But the 5-4 decision only applied to federal laws and failed to address local and state laws." Congress is either wants to put this issue into a blunt or make it sharpen, but clearly as we can see it is not being changed that much that it would help the people of the United States. "The National Rifle Association called the ruling a landmark, but the decision did not specify what kind of gun laws can be applied to the Second Amendment."


  1. HI. Aadil. I really like your article. Here is my comment.

    I agree with our classmate Aadil Khatri's. In his article, he talked about there should have stricter rules on guns control or any other type of weapon. He made a good point by using someone's argument: The guy argued that, " We have to take a driving test to get a license so why shouldn’t we have background checks for guns?" That’s correct, how many news we heard so far about people got shot and dead? What about the new about a guy was shooting in a movie theater and many people died? And what about the shooting at the University of Texas? There were many people innocent dead by shooting. Guns are one of the dangerous weapons that can hurt or kill people, why could people carry it around? Some people shoot people just for fun, some people short people because they want to retaliate, and some of them have mental problems. Aadil Khatri said that some people argue that we need guns because they will help them protect their family and their freedom rights. I disagree with the argument. Police are here to protect us, and this is their job. Why should we need guns? Human life is precious, we all don’t have the power to hurt or kill anyone. I think the government should needs to have stricter rules on guns control to protect human life.

  2. On November 27th, 2014, Aadil Khatri posted an article about how gun control needs to be enforced and that there is a big gun issue in America. Although I respect the idea that there is various cases where people who own guns have gone crazy and murdered people in cold blood, I disagree with the idea that this problem of crime is solely based on guns. If we get rid of guns, there will always be other weapons people can use to murder and hurt people. Taking away guns won't solve the problem, because there are plenty of crazy people that would find ANY WAY to hurt other people, (knives, automobiles, etc). You can take the gun away from the crazies, but not the crazy away from the crazies! In fact, drinking before you are 21 is illegal, recreational drugs are illegal, but people STILL find ways to do those things. All that taking guns away from people would do is disable a lot of people from protecting themselves. And not to mention the fact that in todays society, we can't even trust the police that are suppose to ultimately protect us and keep us safe. Background checks are necessary, but taking away the citizens right to bear arms is not.
