Friday, November 14, 2014

on Oct. 31 2014 Lorezo Perales wrote a post

There was a post by Lorenzo Perales and yes i do agree with you, that these people are turning out to be bad once they leave Guantanamo bay, but the fact that i don't agree is that not all people are like that, every person has its own choice to do something so i would say not every man would turn out to be bad. Also the other fact that they are being tortured to a limit where they can't take it anymore, and that is totally wrong. Obama at some point is doing the right thing but at the other not so well. There is another way were this people won't turn out to be who they are after they leave the Guantanamo bay and its by keep a torturing to a limit and not exceeding too much that the person just goes crazy and thinks of only and only of revenge.

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